One Winter at Hill Farm

Created by Jeremy 3 months ago

As Rose's nephew we had visited Hill Farm House a number of times over the years, from when it was a semi detached cottage and then they bought next door and turned it back into one property with its large wonderful gardens and woodland at the side, with its equally large cage so that the cats could go outside and not be risking life and limb on the fast road outside.

On one of the visits the family went to stay and my son must have been about two or three years of age.  He is always full of energy and that weekend was just the same, but between racing around all the rooms and exploring and playing hide and seek and just being so inquisitive he had a fabulous few days with Rose and Keith and was so tired at the end of the days he just went off so peacefully to sleep and slept right the way through to start again doing the same thing the next day.  And Rose never missed a beat and kept up with him all day and then settled down to cook us all a great meal.

She was petrified in case someone put their hands in that huge coffee grinder in the kitchen or went down the stairs into the cellar.

That was one of my favourite family weekends away and Rose (and Keith) was just the perfect host.

Rose you will be so dearly missed for your kindness and generosity and sense of humour.  
